Proprietary AI model in which machine learning and deep learning are employed to predict real time digital asset order book prices with a high level of confidence.
As a liquidity aggregator, FluidAI connects to all major liquidity partners, providing deep liquidity for trading pairs.
When you trade with FluidAI, our execution response time is near to immediate to provide customers with the best practice in the market by using AI.
FluidAI T is a state-of-the-art institutional trading terminal for the digital asset markets. FluidAI will leverage its core AI prediction platform to provide execution algorithms that will work in conjunction with its Smart Order Router (SOR) to provide Best Execution and benchmark pricing to institutions.
An innovative trading platform intended to suit the demands of institutional traders, FluidAI T offers access to deep centralized and decentralized liquidity. FluidAI T supports the entire trade life cycle, and allows users to create their ideal access to digital asset markets through the use of an institutional trading interface, API, or a combination of both.
FluidAI provide services for the complete trading lifecycle
Smart Order Router
Execution Algorithms
Crossing Engine
Margin Trading
Derivatives Trading
Community Treasury
Tokenized Markets
Transaction Cost Analysis
Customised Execution Reports
Custody of Assests
Settlement & Clearing
Extensive Analytics
Price Discovery
Avg Bid/Ask Spreads
Buy/Sell Volume
Trade Difficulty
Market Impact
Simply refer to earn $FLD*.
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