How Are Cryptocurrencies Taxed Around The World?


  • Cryptocurrencies follow inconsistent tax patterns across the globe; some countries have made them legal tender, while others do not recognize their existence
  •  Given their growing popularity, it is crucial to understand how cryptocurrencies function and their financial ramifications on global markets
  • Governments around the world have enacted reasonable regulations to protect investors and stop cyberattacks 
  • This article aims to explain the relationship between cryptocurrencies and taxes in several nations 

The year 2021 was unquestionably a turning point for the cryptocurrency industry, with Bitcoin repeatedly reaching its record high, albeit with some significant losses. Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, experienced some of this too, as it climbed to its highest price yet.

Since the introduction of cryptocurrency a few years ago, more individuals and institutions have begun to comprehend how the cryptocurrency market operates with increased curiosity. Despite the current volatility, financial experts hold on to the view that cryptocurrencies are the currency of the future.

One of the most important questions is how cryptocurrency gets taxed. This article aims to explain the relationship between cryptocurrencies and taxes in several nations. 

Understanding Cryptocurrency

Since it is a decentralized system, governments and central authorities do not influence it. Because of its encryption structure, it functions as both virtual money and a digital accounting system. Cheaper transactions and quicker cash transfers are only two of the advantages of cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, though, it is vulnerable to fluctuating prices and possible hacks.

The Correlation between Cryptocurrency and Taxation Worldwide

Taxes are an integral and essential component of an economy and drive the infrastructure and welfare programs of governments around the world. Although decentralized in nature, crypto markets have come under the purview of governments with regard to taxation. 

Cryptocurrency may be created through mining or bought on exchanges, and you might potentially offer it to a buyer or investor. Some users utilize cryptocurrencies to make purchases from internet retailers. These are the reasons why cryptocurrency ought to be taxed.

Be aware, nevertheless, that different nations have differing perspectives on cryptocurrencies. In actuality, while it could be outlawed in some, it is lawful in the majority of countries. Moreover, although some governments tax cryptocurrency, others do not. What you need to know is as follows:

United States: The United States views cryptocurrency as an investment asset rather than a form of money. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is aware that virtual money may be used to pay for goods or services or retained for investment, according to Notice 2014-21. A virtual currency is a digital representation of value that serves as an exchange medium, a monetary unit, or a value store. Cryptocurrency is taxed as capital gains, with a federal tax rate ranging from 0% to 37%. Capital gains tax, or CGT, is the name of the tax.

Australia: In Australia, cryptocurrency is regarded as an asset or trading stock. If the CGT is sold, it becomes an asset, and if it is used in a commercial transaction to sell and acquire assets, it becomes a trading stock.

United Kingdom: Cryptocurrency is regarded as an asset as well. A guidebook for the regulation of crypto taxes has also been released by HM Revenue and Customs. According to it, cryptocurrency is a personal asset that may be used for specific transactions or financial gains. Cryptocurrency disposal calls for a CGT, much like in Australia.

Canada: Canada also views cryptocurrencies as an asset wherein the purchase or holding does not attract tax, but the sale does. Trading transactions may be subject to 50% CGT.

Italy: Only the part of the gain realized on selling cryptocurrencies for an amount greater than $58,232 (51,645 euros), equal to the old one hundred million lire, is owed to the tax authorities.

Netherlands: Compared to other nations, the Netherlands has a relatively different tax structure. Instead of a capital gains tax, it imposes a wealth tax. The value of all assets minus all obligations at the beginning of the tax year is used in the Netherlands to calculate presumptive interest. Therefore, your cryptocurrency is subject to a 31% wealth tax if the entire value of your assets, including cryptocurrency, is $50,000 or higher.

Additionally, several countries do not tax cryptocurrencies. Here are a few examples:

Germany: VAT-free cryptocurrency transactions are now allowed.

Singapore: Cryptocurrency investments held by individuals or businesses for the long term are tax-free. But as a firm conducts transactions, income tax is levied on its profits.

Malaysia: Like Singapore, Malaysia exempts cryptocurrency from taxes. There might, however, be some adjustments shortly.

Portugal: Although corporate earnings from cryptocurrency gains are still subject to taxation, Portugal has also made cryptocurrencies tax-exempt.

Malta: Malta has also established many cryptocurrency-friendly virtual currency laws, including exemptions from capital gains tax and VAT, as well as tax-free status for cryptocurrency investors. 

Some governments forbid the use of cryptocurrencies. Citizens in these countries cannot possess cryptocurrency or carry out cryptocurrency transactions within their borders. Keep in mind the following:

China: China does not acknowledge cryptocurrencies as legitimate money. Additionally, none of the banks or financial institutions allow cryptocurrency transactions. 

Russia: Russia does not accept digital money as a legitimate payment. The sole legal tender is still the Russian ruble.

Other Notable Mentions

It’s noteworthy that El Salvador was the first country to accept cryptocurrencies like bitcoin as legal money. Recently, bitcoin was also made legal tender in the Central African Republic.

CoinMarketCap maintains a list of nations that have approved laws approving the use of cryptocurrency as legal tender. According to Shaun Heng, Vice President of Growth and Operations at CoinMarketCap, Venezuela, Anguilla, the United States, and Panama could follow the trend. 

Crypto: The Future of Money?

There is no disputing that cryptocurrencies are widely recognized and accepted, and the adoption of blockchain technology is the way of the future. 

Learning how cryptocurrency functions and its financial ramifications on the worldwide market are now essential, and understanding how it will affect you as an investor is crucial. In addition, users also need to understand how crypto is taxed in their region or nation.