FluidAI December Development Update

Hello FluidAI Community,

As we approach the end of the year, we want to take a moment to update you on the most recent developments in our project. Your continued interest and engagement have been invaluable, and we would like to inform you about the progress we’ve made in the past few months. Let’s delve into the recent updates and lay the groundwork for what’s coming next.

Fluid X

Fluid X, providing users with trading ability at a set of Centralized Exchanges, is on schedule to be released in Q1, 2024.

  • Market data and trading connectivity have been established with:
    • Huobi
    • Kucoin
    • Deribit
    • ByBit
  • Test trades have been executed, and onboarding of other key exchanges is underway.
  • Load and stress testing of API endpoints has been completed.
  • Implementation of Onboarding / KYC Microservice is completed.
  • User wallet integration through Fireblocks is completed.
  • UAT internal testing is in progress.

Fluid D

Fluid D, providing users with seamless swapping at a set of Decentralized Exchanges, is slated to be released in Q1, 2024.

  • Completion of Deployment Script that will handle the deployment of multiple UniswapV2 DEXes to testnet.
  • Fluid D Dex Aggregation Router has been deployed on a testnet and connected to test liquidity pools.
  • Testnet routing transaction was successfully executed with a path made of 3 tokens: transaction link
  • Liquidity Module for Fluid Dex Aggregation Service is completed; the module is fetching information about all token pairs and token reserves on supported Dexes.
  • Unit Tests for DEX Aggregator Service are completed.
  • Web3 Provider component added to the frontend allowing for connection to the blockchain wallets. 
  • ETL process is under development. It’s a data integration process designed to listen to the blockchain for pair creation events for observed tokens and save them to a database. This will be used by a DEX aggregator for its pathfinder algorithm.

AI Prediction Model

FluidAI’s prediction model combines various methods from Deep Learning, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM).

  • Hit Ratio Calculation for different currency pairs for 5s ATI is completed.
  • Transitioning prediction data from REST API to Kafka is completed.
  • Generation of the 15 and 30 seconds ATI is in progress.
  • Compiling Dataset for Testing to compare models efficiency in progress.
  • Continuation of research regarding AI-driven pattern recognition and signal generation logic that will provide users with key trading indicators, such as support and resistance levels and price-reversal indicators.
  • AI-powered DEX Aggregation Pathfinding algorithm concept examination is in progress.
  • Ongoing testing and improving the model according to prediction results.

We appreciate your ongoing support and engagement with FluidAI. The progress made this month is a result of our collaborative efforts and feedback from our investors and community. If you have questions, suggestions, or simply want to discuss the latest updates, we encourage you to join the conversation on our Telegram channel – https://t.me/FLD_AI.

Thank you for your ongoing trust and active involvement. Cheers to the exciting journey that lies ahead!